World Data Products Now Offering Cloud Services
World Data Products can help your company save as much as 50% compared to the leading metered Cloud Service Providers.
IT departments move some or all of their IT infrastructure to the Cloud for several reasons: to maintain high service levels, manage costs, and utilize the flexibility to scale up or down as needed without a budget approval process. However, new cloud customers with metered services have discovered variable monthly costs are not easily managed.
Why Are Fixed Costs So Important?
Metered Cloud service costs are among the most unpredictable business expenses today. Customers of metered services find that they have very little control over what the invoice will look like from month to month. What we do is ‘fix’ Cloud costs so that there are no surprises. Instead, you’ll simply enjoy the cost savings that attract so many companies to the Cloud in the first place. Whether public, private, or hybrid Cloud, our ‘fixed-cost’ Cloud model locks in the savings consistently month after month.

Fixed Cost Cloud Benefits
- Predictable managed costs
- No longer have to manage on-site hardware
- Scale up and down as needed
- Maintain high service level
- Meet requirements for compliance and privacy
Getting IT Right
Is your department ready to move IT assets to the cloud? To ensure a successful transition, World Data Products and Full Duplex include network consulting in every project to prepare for cloud integration. Ask your World Data Products representative about Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud opportunities, SSAE16 compliant datacenters, and DR Solutions.
We will contact you within 1 business day. For immediate help call us toll free at 888-210-7636